North-West University

Proceedings of the 4th International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop

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Version 2 2024-02-07, 05:59
Version 1 2024-02-05, 07:18
conference contribution
posted on 2024-02-07, 05:59 authored by ADRI BREEDADRI BREED

The fourth instalment of the biannual Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW) was hosted by the North-West University, South Africa. This follows on highly successful previous editions in Johannesburg (2016), Ghent (2018), and Amsterdam (2021). Like the previous workshop, this one was a hybrid event: online, and at the 26 Degrees South Hotel in Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa.

The workshop aimed to bring together researchers from different theoretical and methodological perspectives who study Afrikaans grammar. We welcomed contributions on various aspects of Afrikaans grammar, including lexicology, orthography, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Papers that compare Afrikaans grammar with other West-Germanic or unrelated languages’ grammar were also welcomed, as are papers on the diachronic development of Afrikaans grammar, the role of language contact on the grammar, and current grammatical variation.

For the first time in the workshop series, authors were also given the opportunity to submit full papers for publication in the digital conference proceedings, in addition to the traditional "abstract only" presentations. Eight contributions from the workshop presenters are included in this volume as full papers. These submissions underwent a rigorous double-blind peerreview process by expert reviewers, enhancing the scholarly value of this addition to the AGW.


The Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA) The Centre for Text Technology (CTexT) Understanding and Processing Language in Complex Settings Research Focus Area (UPSET), North-West University


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