Datastel: Afrikaanse vloekwoordtellings [Dataset: Afrikaans swearword scores]
This dataset of user attitude scores to Afrikaans taboo language was collected as part of the multidisciplinary research project 'What the Swearword!' ( The attitude scores were collected through online single-word surveys (SWSs) for individual swearwords that were posted periodically on the above-mentioned project website. Volunteer respondents were recruited through respondent-driven opportunistic sampling, and snow-ball sampling via social media. Respondents firstly gave their informed consent, and then once-off provided information on 22 sociodemographic factors. Thereafter, individual swearwords were judged on at least seven attitudinal dimensions using 9-point Likert-type scales.
A complete description of the data is published in the Journal of Open Humanties Data (
Dataset creators:
Gerhard B. van Huyssteen, North-West University
Cornelius van der Walt, BlueTek Computers
Jaco du Toit, North-West University
Roald Eiselen, North-West University
Nico Oosthuizen, Independent
© 2023 Centre for Text Technology (CTexT), North-West University
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
[CC BY 4.0](
Cite this dataset as follow:
Van Huyssteen, Gerhard B., and Eiselen, Roald. 2023. Datastel: Afrikaanse vloekwoordtellings [Dataset: Afrikaans Swearword Scores]. DOI: 10.25388/nwu.23708229. Available:
DOI: 10.25388/nwu.23708229
Dataset size:
Number of swearwords: 71
Number of responses: 4,943
Format: UTF-8 encoded CSV
Version: 1.0.0
Collection dates: 2019/07/01 – 2023/05/31