North-West University

Untitled Item

posted on 2024-09-06, 07:23 authored by SUSANNE JACOBSSUSANNE JACOBS

Exploring the care leaving experiences of youth who have exited the foster care system from rural

Fetakgomo-Tubatse Municipality, Sekhukhune Limpopo province

Foster care leavers (FCLs) acknowledge the care, support, and protection the youth need. Many do not achieve their educational goals, leading to unemployment and poverty. In rural areas, limited resources, discrimination, and cultural factors often hinder the establishment of consistent social support networks.

Transitioning out of care is a multiple, diverse, and complex experience that requires balancing practical needs, emotional desires, and social influences, especially in rural, resource-limited areas. FCLs' experiences from kinship care and the perspectives of social workers post-exit shed light on the impact of limited supportive policies.

The study followed a qualitative exploratory design to gain better insight into FCLs’ experiences after leaving foster care. Participants from young adult FCLs (YAFCL) (at least 10, any gender, under 25 years) and eight social workers working in foster care for 12 months were purposively selected. Data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Ecological systems theory was used to guide the study. Data were analysed and interpreted using thematic analysis.

Five main themes derived from the data were foster care systems, strengths and shortcomings, environmental influences, reflection on pre- and post-care support, and novel hardship. The research summary discusses FCLs exceeding circumstances, needs, and recommendations to improve the foster care system.

This study anticipates contributing to the needed policy for FCLs and adding to the local knowledge of FCLs' experiences within the Limpopo Province in Sekhukhune district, Fetakgomo-Tubatse municipality.


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