North-West University

Taalportaal: Afrikaans phonology, morphology, and syntax

online resource
posted on 2020-07-30, 09:48 authored by Gerhard B. Van HuyssteenGerhard B. Van Huyssteen
Taalportaal comprises comprehensive, comparative, online grammars for Afrikaans, Dutch, and Frisian, written in English by experts in the respective fields. The Afrikaans section on Taalportaal is the result of a project of Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA). The first phase of the project ran from October 2014 to April 2020; the first topics were released publicly on 6 February 2016, and the final topics on 21 May 2020. The aim of the project was to develop a comprehensive, comparative, scientific online grammar (phonology, morphology, and syntax, as well as bibliography) of Afrikaans – building on a long and rich tradition of linguistics in and on Afrikaans. Of course, this is a task and project that could never be completed for a living language. In that sense, Taalportaal is merely a foundation for – hopefully – plentiful more future research on Afrikaans linguistics.
[Van Huyssteen was editor-in-chief of the project.]
